Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

General Volunteer Opportunities

Markham Arts Council invites you to get involved in some of the most exciting arts events happening in the city. 

Volunteers get the chance to work with the arts professionals making the shows happen, being part of the behind-the-scenes organization and planning that the audience never sees. 

Arts volunteers gain valuable experience in a wide variety of areas, building their resume and increasing their references that will open doors to work opportunities down the road. 

As a not-for-profit, charitable organization, we also provide all our volunteers with hours. 

You can volunteer with the Markham Arts Council as:

  • Contribute to the day to day running of the organization by helping with office administrative tasks
  • Assist with the execution of our Programs, Events and Festivals
  • Volunteer as a key member of our Satellite Committees
  • Volunteer your time and expertise for the benefit of the organization as part of our Board of Directors. 

If you’re interested in volunteering for the Markham Arts Council, drop us a note at info@markhamartscouncil.com. We’d love to touch base.

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